Wednesday 6 May 2015

Eric Lopez: Plagued by a Thousand Passions: Maximus the Confessor's Vision of Love in Light of Nationalism, Ethnocentrism & Religious Persecution

In this short paper, I argue that while current ressourcement of Maximus the Confessor's thought on cosmology, divine ideas and participation is insightful, a focus on his unique vision of love has the potential to give timely and needed critique and understanding of the nationalist, ethnocentric and violent environments in which many Christian communities currently find themselves. Maximus' understanding and articulation of the sources and dynamics of love place such difficulties within the realm of untamed desire and casts them as difficult to maintain given the nature of God and humanity. In fact, his entire understanding of the incarnation is framed around his understand of how the incarnate Son fights a paradoxical war of love. Within my argument I explain these sources and dynamics and investigate how Maximus' own background gave him singular perspective on the intercourse between politics, faith and ethnicity. Finally, I explore ways his vision of love challenges complacent responses of charity with Christian communities in the aforementioned environments.

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