Thursday 30 April 2015

Jonathan Reck: The rise of Islam as catalyst for seventh and eighth century Christological articulation

This Short Communication shall address the culmination of iconoclastic controversy in the seventh and eighth centuries alongside the critiques of Christian orthodoxy from the newly emerging Muslim community. Anastasios of Sinai and John of Damascus are two figures who responded to the presence of Islam in unique ways. The former provides the earliest Christian references to Islam and the Qur'an while the latter represents a marked readiness to provide highly developed Christological articulation amidst rapidly changing circumstances due to the rise of Islam. In previous centuries, it is evident that there is a high degree of tension regarding how visually to portray the crucified Christ, the tension stemming (in part) from Theopaschite controversy of whether or not Jesus's divine nature was affected during the Passion. In light of this development and the presence of a Muslim community that presented challenging claims against Orthodox Christology, these two figures contributed significantly to the further development of Christology after the rise of Islam. Taking a synchronic approach to sources within the given timeframe, I will propose that the early seventh century rise of Islam was a catalyst for the extended effort provided within the seventh and eighth centuries toward enhancing and systematizing Christological articulation.

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