Thursday 5 February 2015


In the XI  and XI centuries, in the southeast France and northeast Spain there was a clear intention of providing to illiterate population –but not only this kind of public- a Christian moral system based on neoplatonic theories. These theories came from the lectures of Augustin from Hippo and Johannes Scotus Eirugena works inter alia. The moral system should guide medieval people behaviours and/or justify a status quo in a way that they should consider it as natural and without any alternative.
The way to bring this practical philosophy (ethic or moral) to people couldn’t be done through direct reading of Augustinian texts or their comments, not even through canons or priests explanations, even if they were secular, so that they were the closest to popular preaching. People hadn’t the necessary cognitive instruments, the basic education to access the theoretical concepts of this morality. Furthermore, even most of intermediaries (these canons or priests) didn’t have the necessary instruction to get it.
It was imposed, then, an aesthetic system close to people in order to assimilate the Augustinian theories based on the use of wall paintings, altar frontispieces, sculptures, set to religious musical theatre... as well as the incorporation of local pre-Christian elements in religious rituals.
We try to focus on very concrete aspects of Augustinian and other neoplatonic  thoughts –for example, the theology of light- and their moral and aesthetic value; on why and on how in those centuries in the above mentioned places.

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